Showing posts with label Jokes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jokes. Show all posts
got brain?

How you picture yourself in a zombie apocalypse.
Actually, you would be here.

The Post-Apocalypse Mobile Safe House

Chainsaws Rock

LegoZombie Fun

It's Never Too Late

Eye Spy

Trophy Head Collection
Zombie Attack Bed Covers

I <3 shooting zombies!!

Nazi Zombies

Self Sustaining Fallout Shelter Blueprints

Unfortunate Zombie Party

I want Bicycle.

Pre-Apocalypse Life

Dear Lord, please let there be a zombie apocalypse so I can start shooting all these motherfuckers in the face.
 - Amen

I didn't do my homework because I was too busy preparing for the zombie apocalypse.
I would accept that as the teacher.

Zombie Joke

What do zombie’s call a man in a wheelchair?

Meals on wheels.

Zombie Joke

What do vegetarian zombies eat?


Zombie Joke

Who won the zombie war?

Nobody, it was a dead tie.

Zombie Joke

What do you call a dead bumblebee?

A Zom-Bee

Zombie Joke

Who does a zombie take out for dinner?

His ghoul-friend.

Zombie Joke

Where do zombies go swimming?

The Dead Sea

Zombie Joke

What kind of candy does a zombie refuse to eat?


Zombie Joke

What do you call a zombie with lots of kids?

A MOM-ster

Zombie Joke

Where do you go when you want to buy a zombie?

To the Mon-Store

Zombie Joke

What do you call a one inch zombie?

Tomb Thumb

Zombie Joke

When do zombies go to sleep?

When they are dead tired.

Zombie Joke

What is the difference between zombies and patched jeans?

Zombies are dead men, Jeans are mended.


Me: “Knock knock”
You: “Who’s there?”
Me: “Zombie!”
You: “Zombie who?”

Me: “Knock knock”
You: “Who’s there?”
Me: “The Interrupting Zombie!”
You: “The Interrupting Zom…
Ooop! Me again: “BRAAAIIINNSS!!”

Zombie Joke

Why did the children mistake the man for a zombie?

Because he was high, 98 and angry!

Zombie Joke

Why did the zombie try to kill the human?

Because he was hungry.